180 Construction Firms Have Expressed Interest in Building US/Mexico Border Wall

In what has and will continue to be one of the more controversial construction projects in American history, the US/Mexico border wall appears to be moving forward and there are many construction firms across the country that are very interested in the $20 billion project.

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The FBI Is Investigating the Construction of a Minor League Baseball Stadium

OSHA inspectors and city building officials are usually the people that can make life pretty uncomfortable for construction companies, but it’s a whole different story when the FBI comes calling. A new stadium for the Double-A minor league baseball team, the Hartford Yard Goats, was supposed to open before the 2016 season, but delays and cost overruns have pushed that opening well into 2017.  Now, the FBI is investigating, according to the Hartford Courant.

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Interactive Map Shows all of the Structurally Deficient Bridges Across America

The phrase “America’s crumbling infrastructure” has been said over and over again the past few years.  It’s why we’ve seen such a large uptick in bridge demolitions, a rise in innovative processes to reduce the time it takes to replace bridges, and the reason for President Trump’s emphasis on spending $1 trillion over the next 10 years to fix them.

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MIT Researchers Design A Material 10 Times the Strength of Steel

As consistent and strong as wood, concrete, and steel have been for the past centuries, researchers and scientists are continually trying to improve them or create a better replacement product.  Many have tried, but none have yet to succeed on a large scale.  The latest scientific breakthrough takes a look at the geometry of a structure, rather than simply the material itself.

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Report Confirms Cause of 2013 Washington State Bridge Collapse

A portion of the Skagit River Bridge, located in Mount Vernon, Washington catastrophically collapsed into the water below after a semi hauling an oversized load clipped a cross beam in 2013.  Luckily and amazingly, no one was killed by the incident, but 3 people were taken to the hospital for minor injuries as several cars fell into the river.  It took over 3 years to determine a cause and the report states that there were several causes.  First, below is security camera footage of the collapse, uploaded to Youtube by newschannel500, in which you can see just how quickly the collapse happened.

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US EPA Releases 2017 Construction General Permit for Stormwater Discharges

In an announcement made in mid-January, the US EPA has officially released the updated 2017 Construction General Permit (CGP) for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities.  The draft of the new permit was released last year and the 45 day public comment period ended on May 26, 2016.  The 2017 CGP will go into effect starting February 16, 2016.

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A Comprehensive List of Construction Events, Conferences, & Trade Shows in 2017

With a lot of changes coming so fast, it’s vital for everyone involved in construction and the allied industries to stay up to date with the latest news. Whether you are trying to improve your brand’s image, build a stronger construction network, introduce a product with a cutting edge or just avoid getting crushed by your competition, construction events are definitely a great way to learn about your industry and get on top of cutting edge trends. These events are the perfect opportunity to meet face to face with influential leaders, to share with your colleagues the experiences and problems you’ve been facing but also to get noticed by clients

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Same Day Deliveries to Pros Coming to a Home Depot Near You

An acquisition of Interline, a home repair and maintenance products firm, and a 2 year trial run of delivery services has positioned The Home Depot (THD) to begin offering same day deliveries for professionals.  

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Contractor “Blacklisting” Rule Close to Being Repealed

In July of 2016, the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order was signed into effect and has been a hotbed of controversy, especially within the construction industry, ever since. The act would have given the federal government the ability to disqualify contractors if they violated any of the 14 labor laws, which can be found here, over the past 3 years on any project totaling $500,000 or more.

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UPDATE: Sinking San Francisco Tower “Safe to Occupy,” Per Building Inspector

The saga continues in one of the biggest construction stories of 2016, the sinking and tilting Millennium Tower of San Francisco.  When we last updated readers in December, satellite images from the European Space Agency had not only confirmed that the tower has sunken considerably, but that it also hasn’t stopped sinking yet.  Meanwhile, residents living in the tower are worried about their safety and the value of their homes.

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