[VIDEO] MIT Shows Off 3D Printer That Can Print a Structure in 14 Hours

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is constantly researching ways to improve construction process and materials, like this material 10 times the strength of steel, or this solar cell that’s lighter than a soap bubble, or this “reversible concrete.” This time the Institute is showing off its autonomous robot that can spit out building structures on site within hours.

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World’s 4th and 5th Tallest Buildings Officially Open, Pushing USA Out of Top 5

Holding the distinction of having the world’s tallest building is a coveted milestone for designers, builders, and countries alike, but no one has been able to top the 2,722 foot tall Burj Khalifa yet, since it opened in early 2010. The 2nd tallest tower in the world, the Shanghai Tower, opened 5 years later and stands 2,073 feet tall. Just recently, two more gigantic buildings opened their doors, taking over the 4th and 5th spots on the list for tallest in the world, pushing America’s One World Trade Center into 6th place.

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Washington DC Contractors Add RFID Tags to Worker’s Hard Hats to Track Whereabouts

Tracking employees instantaneously is a dream scenario for employers.  It gives them tons of data to analyze to determine where money can be saved and where resources can be placed to be most efficient.  The struggle is convincing the employees that tracking their every move is not going to get them in trouble or fired. There’s a balance in there somewhere and that’s the challenge facing both employers and tech companies right now.

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Trump Imposes Tariffs up to 24% on Canadian Softwood Lumber

Softwood lumber, often used for structural framing and decking, among other uses, may be seeing a price increase in the US in the near future. On Monday, the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) has announced that they will be imposing tariffs of up to 24% on all softwood lumber imported from Canada.

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[VIDEO] Watch Live Footage of Atlanta’s I-85 Rebuild After Collapse

At the end of March 2017, a massive fire underneath Atlanta’s I-85, a major highway that handles around 243,000 vehicles each day, caused a large section to collapse.  Since then, it has left traffic in the area in rough shape, and Atlanta is already known for their bad traffic, especially ITP.  That’s hip Atlanta terminology that stands for “Inside the Perimeter,” or inside of the 285 outer belt.

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Philadelphia Construction Site Places Ban on “Foul Language”

Many could argue that peanut butter and jelly or spaghetti and meat balls go together about as well as cursing and construction job site. Sometimes I find myself surprised that there are more curse words written into construction proposals. 

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Trump Signs Measure to Eliminate OSHA Recordkeeping Rule

Construction industry groups are applauding President Donald Trump’s decision to sign a measure that eliminates a rule that would allow OSHA to issue citations for recordkeeping violations up to 5 years old.  The previous statute of limitations was 6 months. 

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Nominate Your Favorite Construction Podcast for Best of 2017!

It’s that time again to begin Construction Junkie’s annual search for the best construction podcast!  Last year, newcomer to the scene ConTechTrio took home the crown for best podcast and they’re continuing to make waves on the platform, with interviews with heavy hitter guests from the world of construction each episode. 2015’s winner was Cesar Abeid’s Construction Industry Podcast, but unfortunately there have not been any new shows released since August of 2015.

read on to nominate your favorite podcast

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World’s First Modular Plastic Bridge Debuts in UK

One of the most challenging issues with modular construction, of any kind, is the sheer size and weight of many of the components that need to be transported and lifted in place once onsite. That presents a specifically tough situation for jobsites that are not easy to get to.  Arup, a design, engineering, and consulting team in the United Kingdom, has developed and successfully implemented what they say is the “world’s first modular glass-fiber, reinforced polymer bridge.” You may remember Arup from their testing of a “living wall” scaffolding cover that we wrote about last year.

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OSHA Issues First Contractor Citation Press Release Since Trump Inauguration

Prior to January 20th, 2017, it was almost a daily occurrence for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to issue a press release about a large fine they have recently levied against businesses.  Since January 20th, news coming directly from OSHA has been extremely sparse.  There were some updates, like the delay of their new silica dust exposure rule and information about their “Safe and Sound Campaign,”  but nothing about recent fines and citations.

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