[VIDEO} Colorado DOT Tests World’s First Self-Driving Construction Vehicle

Almost exactly 2 years ago, we shared details about an autonomous, driverless construction work zone vehicle that would be the first to hit US streets of its kind.  That vehicle is gearing up to hit US streets as the Colorado Department of Transportation has teamed up with its developers.

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First Tesla Solar Roofs Have Been Installed

In March of this year, Elon Musk announced that Tesla would begin taking orders on their Solar Roof Shingle concept.  Tesla Solar Roof is a solar power roof system that eliminates the need for bulky solar panels installed over top of traditional roof materials.  Instead, the shingles themselves, which come in a variety of different styles, are the solar panels.

At the company’s second quarter earnings report, Tesla announced that the first solar roof installations have been completed.

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6 Construction Workers Injured After 30 Foot Building Collapses in Idaho

Construction crews in Parma, Idaho were busy working onmulti-story onion shed, when the under construction structure collapsed, sending some that were on the roof down with it.  14 crew members were either on the structure or around it at the time of collapse, but 6 of them were transported to the hospital.  First responders on the scene explained that it was lucky that only 6 were injured.

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[VIDEO] World’s First Sideways- Moving Elevator Unveiled in Germany

Standard vertical elevators have had it too good, for too long.  After the first cable dependent elevator was unveiled in 1857, not much has changed in the elevator industry.  They’re still using cable systems and still only going up and down. But not anymore.  ThyssenKrupp has officially made a multi-directional elevator a reality.

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2nd Construction Worker Rescued from Failed Suspended Scaffolding in Sarasota, Florida Within a Month

You may remember a story we shared at the end of June about a rescue of a construction worker who was dangling from a suspended scaffold 15 stories in the air.  The Sarasota County Fire Department completed a very skilled rescue, in which one firefighter scaled down the side of the building to the trapped worker, attached him to a harness, and both men were hoisted back up to the roof.  The cause of that failure was a snapped line. At that time, the fire chief mentioned that he rarely sees events like this and that only 5 or 6 rescues like this have happened in his 29 year career.

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OSHA Updates Online Whistleblower Complaint Form

OSHA currently controls over 20 laws that protect workers who file safety complaints against their employer or other employees. In general, whistleblowers are protected against retaliation from their employer. 

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San Fran’s Sinking, Tilting Millennium Tower Continues to Sink, Tilt Even More

In August of 2016, it was discovered that a luxury high rise condominium complex in San Francisco, which houses several celebrities, was sinking and leaning considerably.  The 58-story Millennium Tower contains home that range in value of anywhere from $1.6 million to $10 million. Since the discovery, fingers have been pointed in all directions and several lawsuits have been filed.

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[UPDATE] Cause of Death of 3 Construction Workers Who Died in Florida Manhole Determined

In January of this year, tragedy struck a Florida construction company when 3 construction workers died while working underground below a newly paved road.  After the first worker entered the hole and collapsed after entering the confined space through a manhole, the second went in to rescue him and also collapsed, followed by the third. After a post-incident investigation, OSHA has released their findings, as well as several fines.

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[UPDATE] OSHA Sets Launch Date of Electronic Injury & Illness Reporting Application

In late June, OSHA pushed the enforcement of their 2016 rule which will require employers to electronically submit injury and illness reports from July 1, 2017 to December 1, 2017.  At that time it was unknown when the administration would launch the platform to submit the data online, but that has now been decided.

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