Procore’s yearly technology conference, Groundbreak, has gone virtual in 2020 and Construction Junkie has all of the details! This year’s event will be held on October 27 & 28 and will feature several keynote speakers, Procore announcements, and a virtual exhibitor hall for many of Procore’s 3rd party partner apps.
Check back on this Groundbreak 2020 homepage often for even more exhibitor spotlights and Procore news!
Groundbreak 2020 Exhibitor Spotlights
I had the pleasure of speaking with some of the fantastic exhibitors that will be appearing at Groundbreak 2020. Check out my interviews below and make sure you look for the coupon code for $10 Off Groundbreak registration at the bottom of each article! For even more information about each vendor, they will be available in the virtual exhibitor hall on Tuesday, Oct 27 from 11:10am - 12:30pm and Wednesday, Oct 28 - 11:10am - 12:30pm .
In 2015, Milwaukee Tool, the company famous for their large selection of red power tools, announced the release of ONE-KEY™, a web-based mobile tool management solution. While the systems 3 core pillars (Inventory Management, Tool Tracking, and Smart Tool Technology) remain unchanged today, the company has continued to develop and enhance the capabilities of the system in many different ways.
A picture is worth a thousand words, they say – but, when that same picture has a powerful artificial intelligence (AI) software behind it, it also yields millions of valuable data points. StructionSite, a 360 degree photo documentation software, has recently developed a product to automatically track progress made on your jobsite using only photos and AI.
There has been a lot of talk about the labor shortage facing the construction industry in the past few years, which makes it even more important for your company to properly manage the team members it currently has. Typically, workforce resource management is completed in spreadsheets -- if completed at all – many times leading to overworked or underworked staff.
It’s no secret that closeout is one of the worst parts of any construction project. As the job is nearing its end, there are still a ton of forms, as-builts, warranty documents, O&M manuals, and other paperwork that need to be collected and put into binders to hand over to the project owner – a process that can take hundreds of man-hours, in some cases. Nevertheless, closeout is a vital component to successfully turning over a project and ending on a good note.
One thing that many people don’t realize about the construction industry is the large amount of forms we have to fill out, such as inspections, daily logs, checklists, and meeting minutes. Traditionally, all of these forms would be filled out on paper, stored in a binder, scanned into a computer, and eventually sent to the office staff for further filing. These manual resources waste significant time and spend. Thankfully, that doesn’t have to be the case anymore, as companies like GoFormz are making the process digital.
Procore News
Procore, the construction management software company, has been rumored to be interested in filing for an IPO since at least 2019. In the Spring of 2020, Procore ended up delaying its plans to go public after it received $150million in funding and a valuation of around $5 million, citing interest in raising more money amidst an uncertain economy during the heart of the coronavirus pandemic.
Last summer, we learned that Travelers Insurance believed that using Procore as a project management tool helped contractors reduce risk on their projects so much that they were willing to help pay for them to join the platform. That deal was previously limited to customers in 10 US states, but Travelers and Procore have collaborated to further expand that program.
From a management-level perspective, the true value of adopting new technologies in the construction industry is the ability to quickly and reliably gather data. It’s nearly impossible to make a sound business decision without it, yet it’s still – in a way -- a relatively new concept in the industry. We’ve always collected data, but many times it’s stuck in paper forms or tucked away in a file on someone’s laptop, not easily sharable with others in the company. So now that construction data is easier than ever to collect and organize thanks to the massive innovation that’s taken place over the last decade, how do we best utilize it?
In what has become a growing trend in the construction technology sector, Procore has acquired another company to help grow their platform. Last year, Procore purchased Honest Buildings, a project management software aimed at owners and developers, before creating Procore for Owners. The company has also acquired ConstructionBI , a data insight app and BIManywhere, a mobile 3D model viewing company which helped them create Procore BIM, in recent years.
Specialty trades contractors are typically forced to use whatever project management software that the General Contractor or project owner of each project requires, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t benefits to having a project management system of their own. Procore has seen a large amount of these specialty contractors joining their platform over the past year and have just announced the release of two new features specifically for them: Real-Time Labor Productivity and Time & Material Tickets.
There’s no doubt that one of the most important aspects of managing a construction project is being able to quickly and easily analyze your financials. There are a ton of moving parts on each project, from the estimate, to ordering materials and equipment, to billing, and having that information where and when you need it can make all the difference.