With a little over a year before the 2016 vote for America’s next President, I’m sure many of you are already sick of the ads and the constant politicking as we are. Nevertheless, there are very important issues that need to be addressed that can and will affect the construction industry and a recent study has ranked the current presidential candidates past performance with regards to those issues that affect our industry.
CG/LA is an organization whose main goal is to increase the support for global infrastructure by providing leadership forums, acting as advisors and using market intelligence. The group recently released their rankings of current US presidential candidates based upon their past dealings in infrastructure in the United States. The study was part of CG/LA’s Blueprint 2025 campaign, which aims to greatly increase funding for infrastructure upgrades through the year 2025.
In order to rank the candidates, the group used several key measures, including their history of building infrastructure in the past, their current plan for handling infrastructure improvements in the future, and their ability to be a catalyst for infrastructure funding.
"Every successful presidential candidate for the last two generations has promised to build our infrastructure, helping us to regain our global competitiveness - none has been able to do it," said Norman F. Anderson, President and CEO of CG/LA Infrastructure in a press release. "Our monthly rating system provides a structure for the evaluation of candidates, Republicans and Democrats, rating their ability to get this done."
After analyzing those key measures, CG/LA determined that there were 3 clear frontrunners in making infrastructure a priority and one of them may strike you as a surprise. Tied with 18 points in first place were Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders and Republican John Kasich. Donald Trump was not far behind, tallying 17 points. Hilary Clinton was ranked fourth, with 11 points.
Bernie Sanders was ranked highly due to being very vocal about infrastructure improvement and proposing a major infrastructure investment initiative to the Senate. John Kasich was ranked highly due to leading major infrastructure repairs in the past in Ohio. Donald Trump was close behind because of his extensive experience in real estate and construction as a business owner. You have to wonder if CG/LA considers that wall Trump keeps talking about as infrastructure.