OSHA Grants Final Extension on Electronically Submitting Injury and Illness Records



If you have not submitted your company’s OSHA Form 300A electronically through OSHA’s Injury Tracking Application (ITA) yet, you only have a few days left to do so.

The date for submittal had been previously extended to December 15, 2017, but OSHA has issued a recent statement that they will keep accepting 2016 data until December 31, 2017 at Midnight.  After that date, no more 2016 data will be accepted and enforcement action could be taken against those companies who have failed to submit.

Because this is the first time electronic submittal is being required, there are several “job aids” available on  the ITA website to help guide you through the process, like Getting Started in ITA, Setting up an Account, and Adding 300A Summary Data.