Augmented Reality Tape Measure Smartphone Apps Now Available for iPhones

In July, we shared an article about a new augmented reality app that would allow iPhone and iPad users to use their devices’s camera as a tape measure.  That app, Air Measure, is now available for download after Apple’s iOs 11 release. 

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Smart Hard Hat Maker, Daqri, Releases New Lighter Weight Smart Glasses

Daqri, an augmented reality technology company, made waves throughout the industry when they released the heir apparent to the trusty hard hat last year.  The Daqri Smart Helmet is part head protection, part computer and is littered with sensors and gadgets that can make a construction job site completely interactive.  The helmet puts 3d models, plans, and even a thermal imaging camera on your head and overlays that information onto your real life project. At 3.3 pounds, the helmet is a pretty hefty object, so that’s one of the reasons the company decided to create a lighter, more mobile version of their technology in the form of Smart Glasses.

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