Way back in June, we introduced you to a developing technology that could eventually replace the standard hard hats we all know and love today. Hard hats have served their purpose, to save lives and reduce head injuries in dangerous areas, but, if you think about it, they’re using up valuable real estate on a construction worker without any added benefits. That’s why DAQRI decided to turn a traditional hard hat into a fully interactive, augmented reality head set which could unleash the true potential of a job site and its workers.
Read moreBehold, the Hard Hat of the Future (the Future is Now)
Photo courtesy of DAQRI
Hard hats have been around for over a hundred years now, but besides their higher frequency of use, they haven’t changed much. Well, it’s 2015 now and also the year that Back to the Future predicted that we’d be flying around on hover boards, so someone has decided to make something of the dusty, old, worn out hard hat.
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