We recently posted our list of the Top 7 Demolition Videos of 2019 and it seems as though we now have the first entry for the 2020 list. This video comes from a familiar face: Controlled Demolitions, Inc. (CDI).
Read more[VIDEO] Beautiful 13-Story Building Demolition in Downtown Dallas
When you need to demolish a building in a tight downtown setting, you make sure to hire people who have the right experience to do the job. Controlled Demolition, Inc (CDI), was at it again recently, when they shared a video of a recent building implosion in Dallas, TX.
Read more[VIDEO] Obsolete WV Steel Plant Imploded into Cloud of Smoke, Covering Nearby Resident’s Houses
Demolitions by implosion can be fun to watch when they go right – or wrong – but nearby residents can be greatly affected by the high powered blasts and huge clouds of debris that follow. A few years ago, a botched demolition in England left dozens of nearby residents unable to return to their homes for several days. Last week, an obsolete Steel Basic Oxygen Plant in Weirton, West Virginia is leaving residents in a similar situation.
Read moreThe Top 7 Demolition Videos of 2018
2018 was a noticeably slow year in the world of demolition videos , but it’s not exactly clear what caused that. Even though the quantity of videos was down last year, we have scoured the earth for some extremely high quality and fun-to-watch demolitions.
Read more[VIDEO] Watch 2 Power Plant Buildings and Chimney Stack Demolished Simultaneously
via Controlled Demolition, Inc
Multiple buildings imploded at the same time with multiple different camera views? Sounds like the making of a great demolition video.
Read moreWatch an In-Depth Video of Two Bridge Demolitions from a Barge
I don’t think there is anyone in the construction industry that has a better marketing department than Priestly Demolition, a demolition specialty contractor based in Ontario, Canada. Their Youtube channel is filled with high quality demolition videos in the form of timelapse videos and even a 24 minute long, highly detailed video of a bridge demolition so impressive it won awards for best in the world. Implosion videos are a great source of entertainment in their own right, but the videos that Priestly put out are not only entertaining, but also great for education purposes.
Read more[VIDEO] Watch a 27 Story Building That Was Never Used Be Demolished in China
Buildings are demolished all the time in order to make way for new construction. The buildings that are demolished have usually lived out their useful life and are no longer functional. Recently a demolition video resurfaced, which shows a 27 story building in China being imploded. The strange thing is that, since it was finished in 1999, the building had never even been used.
Read more[VIDEO] 11 Story High Rise Falls on Excavator During Demolition
A nearby office worker caught video of a dramatic demolition that showed the remains of an 11 story building collapse on top of the excavator performing the demolition.
Read more[VIDEO] Nearby Pedestrians Caught Off Guard by 12 Story Building Implosion
Construction Junkie has shared a lot of demolition videos. Typically, people line up waiting for the moment when the building explodes with their eyes peeled and cameras ready, just waiting for the perfect video. This video, however, is much different.
Read more[VIDEO] Watch Damaged Big Sur Bridge Fall to Canyon Below During Demolition
Early this year, a landslide caused catastrophic failure to the Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge along California’s famous Highway 1. California Transit officials closed the bridge on February 21st and announced it would be demolished and replaced. Time is of the essence as US News reports that over 400 residents are stranded on one side of the bridge and helicopters have had to bring in food for them. The residents are still able to use the footpaths in the area to cross the canyon.
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