March is Ladder Safety Month, Here Are Some Great Resources to Get You Started

Ladders are one of the most widely used and necessary pieces of equipment on a construction jobsite.  They’re also one of the most misused and abused pieces of equipment on a jobsite.  In addition to being one of the most frequently cited OSHA violations each year, it also accounts for too many of the industry’s yearly fatalities and countless injuries.

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Smart Ladder Attachment Lets You Know if Your Ladder is Unstable

Falls from height is one of the leading causes of death among construction workers and ladders are a major contributor to that number. According to the CDC, falls from ladders caused 64 fatalities and 11,500 injuries in the construction industry alone in 2011. There are many things ladder users can do to make their work safer, like setting it at proper angles on level ground, checking for damage, and maintaining 3 points of contact, among others. One technology company is trying to take some of the thinking out of ladder set up.

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