There’s no doubt that construction workers love a good prank and some of them get pretty creative. Our favorites in the past have included the seismic test prank, the fake bear on site prank, and the “staple in the finger” prank. Obviously, as far as messing around on the job site goes, the least dangerous as the prank is, the better.
Read more[VIDEO] Carpenter Pulls the Ole “Staple in my Finger” Prank, Takes Guy Forever to Realize it
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Construction work is serious stuff, injuries happen all the time and safety awareness is key. That being said, an occasional prank is a fun way to bring some levity to the job site, especially when you get a great reaction from your coworker. Last year, we shared a video of a couple construction workers pranking an unsuspecting newcomer by making him swing a sledge hammer in a circle for several minutes to test a seismic reading, which you can watch here.
The video below is from carpenter Jason Wolfe, who tricks his cowoker, Tyler, into think he had shot a staple straight though his finger.
Read moreConstruction Workers Prank New Guy With Hilarious Fake Seismic Test
There are many classic pranks that construction workers pull on the new guy on the site, such as being sent to find a left handed hammer or a light bulb repair kit, but this one might just be the most tiring.
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