If you’ve ever wondered what the worst way to get rid of a puddle is, you’re about to find out.
Read more[VIDEO] No Construction Site is Complete Without a Disco Ball Concrete Truck
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I’m not afraid to admit that I once with through a short phase in my life when I was really into disco music. I was a child and those were the only dance moves I knew. You may think you hate disco music, but you have to admit, at minimum, your leg starts bouncing or your head starts bobbing when Rick James, KC & The Sunshine Band, or the Bee Gees come on the radio.
So, you can blame that period in my life for taking the time to write about a concrete mix truck that’s been dressed up as a disco ball.
Read more[VIDEO] Guy Tries to Fight Excavator with Rocks, Loses Obviously
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The story of David vs. Goliath is an inspiration to many people in the world and apparently even more so to one man from Finland. With motivations still unknown today, the guy tried and tried to break an excavator by repeatedly throwing rocks at the machine. Was he mad at the machine? Perhaps it looked at him funny. Was he mad at the excavator operator? That’s a more likely scenario, but the operator wasn’t having any of it.
Read more[VIDEO] Carpenter Pulls the Ole “Staple in my Finger” Prank, Takes Guy Forever to Realize it
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Construction work is serious stuff, injuries happen all the time and safety awareness is key. That being said, an occasional prank is a fun way to bring some levity to the job site, especially when you get a great reaction from your coworker. Last year, we shared a video of a couple construction workers pranking an unsuspecting newcomer by making him swing a sledge hammer in a circle for several minutes to test a seismic reading, which you can watch here.
The video below is from carpenter Jason Wolfe, who tricks his cowoker, Tyler, into think he had shot a staple straight though his finger.
Read more[VIDEO] This Guy Has Some Serious Hammer Handling Skills
Reigning NBA MVP is arguably the best ball handler in the league and it shows his dedication to his craft. He eats, drinks, and sleeps basketball and he has a recent Championship to show for it. Like Stephen Curry, there are many construction workers who are so comfortable with their tool of choice that they can instinctively handle it without even thinking about it.
Read more[VIDEO] Construction Worker Doesn’t Know When to Let Go of Auger, Gets Tossed into Pile of Wood
We use power tools and other power equipment in the construction industry for one simple reason: they’re stronger than we’ll ever be. Some people fail to realize that and put themselves in peculiar situations and many times set themselves up for an injury.
Read moreThis Little Kid Explaining the Construction Industry is Adorable and Hilarious
Kids say the darndest things…so much so that there was a whole TV show made about it. Kids never really quite understand exactly what adults do for a living, so it’s really fun to hear about the little things they pick up on and then watch them try to put the pieces together.
Read more[VIDEOS] Demolitions Gone Wrong: 7 Hilarious Failures
We’ve written about couple interesting demolitions recently, such as a Plano, TX water tower and a historic Detroit hotel, but, even though both of those were completed with no problems, demolitions don’t always go so smoothly. The videos below highlight some of the worst demolitions ever caught on tape and most of them are pretty hilarious.
Read moreAfter Watching This, You Won’t Want to Put Your Hammer in Your Tool Belt the Boring Way Ever Again
How do you give a hammer some swag? You let your personal swag absorb into the hammer by not just placing the hammer in your tool belt, but by nonchalantly tossing it into the air and catching it with your tool belt, like Jimmy Brennan Pedro does in the video below.
Read moreConstruction Worker Tries to Catapult Hard Hat onto His Head, Fails Miserably
The video below shows a Scottish construction worker cleverly trying to land a hard hat on his head by creating a catapult with a piece of lumber. It doesn't go very well.
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