The World of Concrete is full of exhibitors showing off tools, equipment, and materials involving concrete, but there is also a large group of technology companies looking to touch base with specialty contractors in attendance. Procore is one of those technology companies and they showed us several product enhancements already released in 2020.
Read moreProcore & Milwaukee Tool Team Up for Tool Tracking and Reporting
When Milwaukee Tool first released ONE-KEY, their Bluetooth-based tool tracking and reporting system, in 2015, they hoped to not only help reduce lost and stolen tools, but also increased visibility into maintenance needs. For the past few years, the company has continued to add more ONE-KEY enabled tools and software enhancements. Now, Procore has jumped on board and ONE-KEY has been integrated into their platform.
Read moreProcore Releases New Product for Prequalifying Contractors
via Procore
Having a healthy preconstruction process sets your project up for success. Without proper bid management, your company will have a hard time consistently winning bids. Without prequalifying your contractors before the project, you could be dramatically increasing your risk later in the project.
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