Contractor Conflicts Podcasts Give Legal Advice for Construction Project Owners

Contractor Conflicts Podcast

Construction Junkie’s annual Best Construction Podcast Competition is underway for 2019 and the voting booth is officially open.  As part of the contest this year, we will be highlighting one of the contest’s nominees each week. This week we highlight Contractor Conflicts Podcast.

Although Contractor Conflicts is a new name in our contests, it’s hosted by someone very familiar to it - and also a past champion.  Miami construction lawyer Alex Barthet, also host of The Lien Zone, couldn’t be satisfied only having 1 podcast, so he started a second one, but has a different audience in mind. 

While The Lien Zone focuses on contractors and those in the trades, Contractor Conflicts gives law advice to project owners. Project owners are an often forgotten, but important, part of any construction project, as their wants and needs drive the entire job most of the time.

The structure is very similar on both podcasts, usually coming in under 10 minutes in length. Barthet keeps his episodes straight forward and on the subject at hand, making them an easy and extremely valuable listen.  Even though it’s targeting project owners, contractors could gain some valuable insights from the podcast, as well.

Take, for instance, a recent episode of Contractor Conflicts titled “I Fired My Contractor, Now What?” Barthet gives succinct advice to owners for making the transition from one contractor to another as painless as possible, like how to properly document the current status of the job and asking for pricing to not only finish the job, but repair mistakes made by the original contractor.

That’s a good practice for owners, but the second contractor brought in to finish the job should heed the warning as well.

If you’d like to vote for The Contractor Conflicts Podcast or check out the rest of the nominees in this year’s contest, click here to be linked to the voting booth.